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в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
А эта надпись висит тут уже 15 =)
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Найдено скилов: 18
 НазваниеMax lvlСбиваетсяДальностьЦель
Anger of the Sun Anger of the Sun (sg_sun_anger) 3False0PassiveNoTarget
Anger of the Moon Anger of the Moon (sg_moon_anger) 3False0PassiveNoTarget
Anger of the Stars Anger of the Stars (sg_star_anger) 3False0PassiveNoTarget
Blessing of the Sun Blessing of the Sun (sg_sun_bless) 5False0PassiveNoTarget
Blessing of the Moon Blessing of the Moon (sg_moon_bless) 5False0PassiveNoTarget
Blessing of the Stars Blessing of the Stars (sg_star_bless) 5False0PassiveNoTarget
Demon of the Sun, Moon and Stars Demon of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Demon of the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_devil) 10False0PassiveNoTarget
Friend of the Sun, Moon and Stars Friend of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Friend of the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_friend) 3False0PassiveNoTarget
Knowledge of the Sun, Moon and Stars Knowledge of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Knowledge of the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_knowledge) 10False0PassiveNoTarget
Feeling of the Sun, Moon and Stars Feeling of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Feeling the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_feel) 3True0Self
Warmth of the Sun Warmth of the Sun (sg_sun_warm) 3True1Self
Warmth of the Moon Warmth of the Moon (sg_moon_warm) 3True1Self
Warmth of the Stars Warmth of the Stars (sg_star_warm) 3True1Self
Comfort of the Sun Comfort of the Sun (sg_sun_comfort) 4True0Self
Comfort of the Moon Comfort of the Moon (sg_moon_comfort) 4True0Self
Comfort of the Stars Comfort of the Stars (sg_star_comfort) 4True0Self
Hatred of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Hatred of the Sun, Moon, and Stars (Hatred of the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_hate) 3True10Enemy
Union of the Sun, Moon and Stars Union of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Union of the Sun Moon and Stars / sg_fusion) 1False0Self