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в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
А эта надпись висит тут уже 15 =)
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Найдено скилов: 25
 НазваниеMax lvlСбиваетсяДальностьЦель
Lesson Lesson (wm_lesson) 10False0PassiveNoTarget
(Frigg's Song / wm_frigg_song) 5False0Self
Windmill Rush Attack Windmill Rush Attack (mi_rush_windmill) 5True0Self
Echo Song Echo Song (mi_echosong) 5True0Self
Harmonize Harmonize (mi_harmonize) 5True9Friend
Metallic Sound Metallic Sound (wm_metalicsound) 5True9Enemy
Reverberation Reverberation (wm_reverberation) 5True9Place
Dominion Impulse Dominion Impulse (wm_dominion_impulse) 1False11Place
Severe Rainstorm Severe Rainstorm (wm_severe_rainstorm) 5True9Place
Poem of the Netherworld Poem of the Netherworld (wm_poemofnetherworld) 5True9Place
Voice of Siren Voice of Siren (wm_voiceofsiren) 5True0Self
Valley of Death Valley of Death (wm_deadhillhere) 5True7Friend
Deep Sleep Lullaby Deep Sleep Lullaby (wm_lullaby_deepsleep) 5True0Self
Circle of Nature's Sound Circle of Nature's Sound (wm_sircleofnature) 5True0Self
Improvised Song Improvised Song (wm_randomizespell) 5True9Self
Gloomy Day Gloomy Day (wm_gloomyday) 5True9Friend
Great Echo Great Echo (wm_great_echo) 5True9Place
Song of Mana Song of Mana (wm_song_of_mana) 5True0Self
Dance With Warg Dance With Warg (Dance With A Warg / wm_dance_with_wug) 5True0Self
Sound of Destruction Sound of Destruction (wm_sound_of_destruction) 5True9Enemy
Saturday Night Fever Saturday Night Fever (wm_saturday_night_fever) 5True0Self
Lerad's Dew Lerad's Dew (wm_lerads_dew) 5True0Self
Melody of Sink Melody of Sink (wm_melodyofsink) 5True0Self
Warcry of Beyond Warcry of Beyond (wm_beyond_of_warcry) 5True0Self
Unlimited Humming Voice Unlimited Humming Voice (wm_unlimited_humming_voice) 5True0Self