Id | Имя | Левел | HP | Атака | Def | Exp | jExp | Раса | Элемент |
1964 | Nightmare (, nightmare_t) | 30 | 2000 | 100 - 200 | 0 | 461 | 348 | Brute | Ghost3 |
2362 | Nightmare Amon Ra (, n_amon_ra)
| 145 | 2515784 | 4106 - 7307 | 367 | 1626487 | 1302087 | DemiHuman | Earth3 |
2353 | Nightmare Minorous (, n_minorous) | 121 | 27141 | 853 - 1007 | 131 | 2201 | 1910 | Brute | Fire2 |
1554 | Nightmare Terror (Ужасный Кошмар, g_nightmare_terror) | 107 | 13289 | 629 - 755 | 78 | 0 | 0 | Demon | Shadow3 |
1379 | Nightmare Terror (Ужасный Кошмар, nightmare_terror) | 107 | 13289 | 629 - 755 | 78 | 2443 | 1832 | Demon | Shadow3 |
1709 | Odium of Thanatos (Ненависть Танатоса, g_tha_odium) | 129 | 40200 | 758 - 902 | 120 | 0 | 0 | Undead | Ghost4 |
1704 | Odium of Thanatos (Ненависть Танатоса, tha_odium) | 129 | 40200 | 758 - 902 | 120 | 3960 | 3666 | Undead | Ghost4 |
1624 | Old Stove (Старая Печь, g_waste_stove) | 92 | 7400 | 408 - 468 | 100 | 0 | 0 | Formless | Neutral1 |
1617 | Old Stove (Старая Печь, waste_stove) | 92 | 7400 | 408 - 468 | 100 | 1377 | 1548 | Formless | Neutral1 |
2094 | Orc Hero (, e_ork_hero2)
| 50 | 362000 | 662 - 1103 | 197 | 2010 | 2010 | DemiHuman | Earth2 |
1850 | Orc Hero (, event_orchero) | 50 | 175000 | 4000 - 5500 | 40 | 2700 | 2700 | DemiHuman | Earth4 |
1087 | Orc Hero (Герой Орков, ork_hero)
| 50 | 362000 | 662 - 1103 | 197 | 106920 | 97200 | DemiHuman | Earth2 |
1190 | Orc Lord (Лорд Орков, orc_lord)
| 55 | 552000 | 780 - 1428 | 256 | 156240 | 122760 | DemiHuman | Earth4 |
1295 | Owl Baron (Барон Сов, owl_baron) | 120 | 21000 | 449 - 650 | 88 | 3042 | 2282 | Demon | Neutral3 |
1320 | Owl Duke (Герцог Сов, owl_duke) | 92 | 7381 | 480 - 680 | 80 | 1377 | 1953 | Demon | Neutral3 |
2010 | Ox (, g_majoruros) | 66 | 500000 | 1200 - 3200 | 25 | 9 | 9 | Demon | Ghost1 |
1233 | Peco Peco (Задумчивый Пекопеко, conceive_pecopeco) | 19 | 531 | 50 - 64 | 0 | 159 | 36 | Brute | Fire4 |
1019 | Peco Peco (Пеко-Пеко, pecopeco) | 25 | 446 | 76 - 83 | 48 | 162 | 183 | Brute | Fire1 |
1157 | Pharaoh (Фараон, pharaoh)
| 85 | 500000 | 1476 - 3258 | 124 | 417600 | 334080 | DemiHuman | Shadow3 |
1484 | Phendark (Фендарк, g_phendark) | 102 | 11000 | 539 - 614 | 307 | 0 | 0 | DemiHuman | Neutral2 |