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в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
А эта надпись висит тут уже 15 =)
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Найдено предметов: 950
 IdНазваниеПодтипЦена покупкиЦена продажиВесDefAtkДальностьПрофессияПолУровень оружияТреб. ур.Заточка
Rapier1111 Rapier [3] (Рапира)One Handed Sword100005000500701Novice, Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant214нет
Rapier1112 Rapier (Рапира)One Handed Sword100005000500701Novice, Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant214нет
Rapture Rose1963 Rapture Rose (Стебель розы)Whip20103001152DancerFemale444нет
Red Ether Bag16010 Red Ether Bag [1] (Красная сумка с эфиром)Mace20101000151Swordsman, Acolyte, Merchant, Knight, Priest, Blacksmith, Crusader, Monk, AlchemistInvariant3102нет
Red Flame Whip1965 Red Flame Whip (Огненный кнут)Whip20107001102DancerFemale330нет
Red Square Bag16001 Red Square Bag [2] (Сумка Алхимика)Mace20105001301Swordsman High, Acolyte High, Merchant High, Lord Knight, High Priest, Whitesmith, Paladin, Champion, CreatorInvariant350нет
Refined Bloody Axe1373 Refined Bloody Axe (Окровавленный топор)Two Handed Axe21002051Swordsman, Merchant, Knight, Blacksmith, Crusader, AlchemistInvariant40нет
Refined Bloody Roar1273 Refined Bloody Roar (Супер Крик в Ночи)Katar10001481AssassinInvariant40нет
Refined Brocca1424 Refined Brocca (Супер Имперское Копье)One Handed Spear10001493Swordsman, Knight, CrusaderInvariant40нет
Refined Fireblend13408 Refined Fireblend (Супер Огненный меч)One Handed Sword10001201Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant40нет
Refined Great Axe1378 Refined Great Axe (Супер великий топор)Two Handed Axe10002151Swordsman, Merchant, Knight, Blacksmith, Crusader, AlchemistInvariant40нет
Refined Hardcover Book1567 Refined Hardcover Book (Тяжелая книга)Book10001681Priest, Sage, Star GladiatorInvariant40нет
Refined Immaterial Sword13409 Refined Immaterial Sword (Супер Нематериальный меч)One Handed Sword10001601Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant40нет
Refined Mailbreaker13025 Refined Mailbreaker (Бронебой)Dagger21001051Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter, Assassin, Crusader, Sage, Rogue, Alchemist, Bard, Dancer, Soul Linker, NinjaInvariant40нет
Refined Nagan13407 Refined Nagan (Супер Неган)One Handed Sword10001481Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant40нет
Refined Quadrille1537 Refined Quadrille (Супер Моргенштерн)Mace10001931Acolyte, Priest, MonkInvariant40нет
Refined Survivor's Rod1628 Refined Survivor's Rod (Супер Волшебная палочка)Staff1000711Mage, Acolyte, Priest, Wizard, Monk, Sage, Soul LinkerInvariant30нет
Refined Swordbreaker13024 Refined Swordbreaker (Мечелом)Dagger21001051Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter, Assassin, Crusader, Sage, Rogue, Alchemist, Bard, Dancer, Soul Linker, NinjaInvariant40нет
Refined Unholy Touch1274 Refined Unholy Touch (Проклятый катар)Katar10001791AssassinInvariant40нет
Release of Wish1630 Release of Wish (Мудрость)Staff2010500301Mage, Wizard, Sage, Soul LinkerInvariant350нет