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в 2011 году Ragnarok Online справит свой десятилетний юбилей
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Найдено предметов: 950
 IdНазваниеПодтипЦена покупкиЦена продажиВесDefAtkДальностьПрофессияПолУровень оружияТреб. ур.Заточка
Pole Axe1432 Pole Axe ()One Handed Spear1048001953Swordsman, Knight, CrusaderInvariant31нет
Pole Axe1419 Pole Axe (Супер Охотничье копье)One Handed Spear1048001593Swordsman, Knight, CrusaderInvariant31нет
Pole Axe1417 Pole Axe [1] (Поллэкс)One Handed Spear201038001603Swordsman, Knight, CrusaderInvariant371нет
Pole XO1423 Pole XO (Пол X.O)One Handed Spear2010001203Swordsman, Knight, CrusaderInvariant10нет
Pompano13068 Pompano (Ставрида)Dagger000-11603Novice, Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter, Assassin, Crusader, Sage, Rogue, Alchemist, Bard, Dancer, Soul Linker, Ninja, Kagerou, Oboro, RebellionInvariant150нет
Priest Sword13428 Priest Sword [3] ()One Handed Sword201012001701Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant450нет
Princess Knife1240 Princess Knife (Нож принцессы)Dagger2010400841Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter, Assassin, Crusader, Sage, Rogue, Alchemist, Bard, Dancer, Soul Linker, NinjaInvariant41нет
Principles of Magic1572 Principles of Magic [2] (Основы магии)Book2010300601Priest, Sage, Star GladiatorInvariant360нет
Prinsense Knife13029 Prinsense Knife (Нож принцессы)Dagger2010001201Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter, Assassin, Crusader, Sage, Rogue, Alchemist, Bard, Dancer, Soul Linker, NinjaInvariant10нет
Prototype Huuma Shuriken13312 Prototype Huuma Shuriken (Сюрикен Гильдии Ниндзя)Fuuma Shuriken00300-101NinjaInvariant499нет
Quadrille1527 Quadrille (Кадриль)Mace20109001651Acolyte, Priest, MonkInvariant440нет
Queen Is Whip1975 Queen Is Whip (Королева-кнут)Whip2010001202DancerFemale10нет
Queen's Whip1976 Queen's Whip [2] (Королевский кнут)Whip201011001502DancerFemale465нет
Queen's Whip1970 Queen's Whip (Королевский кнут)Whip201011001502DancerFemale465нет
RAG20313195 RAG203 ()Rifle1800000900000130-12609RebellionInvariant3140нет
RAG20313190 RAG203 [1] ()Rifle1800000900000130-12609RebellionInvariant3140нет
Rante Whip1983 Rante Whip (Супер рант)Whip00001702DancerFemale31нет
Rante Whip1956 Rante Whip (Рант)Whip32000160009001352DancerFemale330нет
Rante Whip1957 Rante Whip [1] (Рант)Whip32000160009001352DancerFemale330нет
Rapier1110 Rapier [2] (Рапира)One Handed Sword100005000500701Novice, Swordsman, Merchant, Thief, Knight, Blacksmith, Assassin, Crusader, Rogue, AlchemistInvariant214нет